College and Career
Make plans to meet at Steve and Alice Facente’s home and enjoy an evening of hanging out with your friends.
VBC Women’s Retreat
Retreat will be held at Pine Bush Bible Camp from Friday, October 18th - Saturday, October 19th. All VBC women, 18 years old and up. Please make sure to sign-up...
College and Career
Make plans to meet at Ivan and Katherine Reynoso's home and enjoy an evening of hanging out with your friends.
VBC Men’s Retreat
Friday, November 1st - Saturday, November 2nd at Pine Bush Bible Camp. Fellowship, food, and a chili cook-off! Sign-up & what food items to bring sheets are located in the...
Friendsgiving Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange
For adults (18-mid 30’s, or about) in the kitchen area of the chapel. RSVP to Katherine Reynoso and you’ll receive an Evite to sign up. Come if you can!
Sunday School presents the Christmas Program at the Chapel
Plan to be here to encourage our Sunday School as they present the message of Christmas through the play. They are all working hard to make this year’s play an...
Community Christmas Eve Service
Join us as we welcome in the Christmas season as we focus on Jesus Christ – the One who came for us. We’ll spend about an hour in singing Christmas...
New Year’s Eve Dinner and Fellowship
Plan to spend time together with Christian friends to enjoy mutual encouragement, a meal and a couple of testimonies! Please sign up on the foyer bulletin board to attend and...
Open House to Welcome Noah Facente
We are so thankful for Noah’s special arrival! Celebrate with Steve and Alice (and Grandma and Grandpa!!) as they rejoice in the arrival of little Noah.