Community Christmas Eve Service

Join us as we welcome in the Christmas season as we focus on Jesus Christ – the One who came for us.  We’ll spend about an hour in singing Christmas songs, enjoying special Christmas music, and hearing a message from God’s word.

New Year’s Eve Dinner and Fellowship

Plan to spend time together with Christian friends to enjoy mutual encouragement, a meal and a couple of testimonies!  Please sign up on the foyer bulletin board to attend and to bring food or dessert.

Open House to Welcome Noah Facente

We are so thankful for Noah’s special arrival! Celebrate with Steve and Alice (and Grandma and Grandpa!!) as they rejoice in the arrival of little Noah.

Potlock Lunch @ Valley Bible Chapel

Sunday, March 1st @ Valley Bible Chapel 12:15PM – 1:15PM All are welcome!  Plan to bring a starter, side, main dish, or dessert and enjoy lunch with friends!  No sign up necessary!

18-30s Group Fellowship Time @ Pine Bush Bible Camp

Friday Evening, March 13th @ Pine Bush Bible Camp Ages 18-30s. Stay overnight at Pine Bush for a casual hangout and help with VBC 2020 Project the next day. Breakfast will be served on Saturday morning. See Katherine for more info.

VBC 2020 Project @ Pine Bush Bible Camp

Saturdays, March 14th & April 25th 9:00AM – 4:00PM The Lodge gets jazzed up: painting rooms, adopt-a-room makeovers, cleaning out game room.  Lunch provided. See Mary Beth if you can help one or both days.